June 10, 2018
Bolsena is picturesque town in the northeastern corner of Lago di Bolsena. The old town rises to the Rocca Monaldeschi della Cervara, a century castle housing the local museum, situated at the peak of a steep hill. More modern recreational facilities line the shore of the lake, featuring hotels, restaurants and gardens lining the beaches.
The town dates back to ancient Etruscan times, although much of the town proper is characterized by late medieval architecture. The lakefront developments are typically a somewhat restrained mid-century modern.
The Rocca Monaldeschi castle was commmissioned in the mid-12th century by Pope Adrian IV as a defense against barbarian invasions. A number of important civilian and ecclesiastical structures are also present in the town, including the 11th century Chiesa di Santa Cristina.
In the mid-13th century, a Bohemian priest, in doubt about the doctrine of Transubstantiation, reported bleeding from the host he had consecrated at Mass in the church. The Orvieto Cathedral was eventually built to commemorate the miracle and house the Corporal of Bolsena.
(narrative excerpted from Wikipedia)