Impressions of a day in Cali, Colombia, including visits to the barrios of San Antonio and La Merced.
Impressions of a day in Cali, Colombia, including visits to the barrios of San Antonio and La Merced.
Images from a day in Cali, Colombia, including visits to the barrios El Peñon & Granada.
Stunning mages of the hot springs of Salinas, the neighbouring town of Coconuco, and the last evening of the Semana Santa in Popayán, dedicated to the Procesión de Nuestro Señor Resucitado.
A day in Popayán, Colombia, taking in the town’s sanctuaries and markets, culminating with the Semana Santa’s Procesión del Cristo de la Veracruz.
Images from a day in the Guambiano town of Silvia and the evening Semana Santa procession in Popayán in Cauca, Colombia.
Images of the first day of the Semana Santa in Popayán, Colombia.